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C/C++ not highlighted


C/C++ syntax highlighting is not working. Every time I turn my textbox to a C/C++ editor, the general design of the textbox is changed like using CodeHighlight for other languages, but the codes are not highlighted. They appear to be in the same color.

Best regards,

Informer , 19.04.2017, 22:28
Response from the site administrator
codehighlight, 24.04.2017
Thanks for the report, we will fix the problem in the next version of the extension. It should be released by the end of the next week.
Idea status: completed


codehighlight, 25.04.2017, 16:07
today we've released 1.3.8 version of the extension with the necessary fixes for correct C/C++. The extension should be available in Chrome Web Store within a couple of hours. In order to apply the fix you need to completely uninstall previous version of the extension and install new one from scratch.

Feel free to contact us if you've any other questions.

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